In this 21st century Digital World people demand comfort in every aspect of life be it shopping groceries, Going to restaurants, Electronics shopping, etc. Zomato is one such platform that fulfills this need by delivering restaurant food to the customers. Especially during weekends, people prefer to go and have lunch or dinner at restaurants but due to the large population in metro cities normally there is a huge waiting line at good restaurants which is not comfortable for the consumer.

To provide a solution to this problem Zomato like app is useful in delivering food from consumers' favorite restaurants at fast speed and can have lunch or dinner from the comfort of home. Let's go through some basics that you should know for creating an app like zomato

There are 4 parties involved for the successful operation of a food delivery app like zomato

User – A major requirement of a user for a delivery app is to have a good user interface, the majority of restaurants should be available, Fast Delivery. If an app can fulfill this user requirement than surely people are going to love it and recommend it to friends. Zomato has recently launched a video streaming feature where people can stream shot movies while waiting for their orders. This is a very good feature that can be implemented at an advanced stage for an app.

Delivery Boy - Delivery boy is one of the major intermediaries which will play a major role in defining the success of such an app. The app should be easy to use, should require a minimum click to accept the order delivery, should be able to track the exact delivery location in a map, etc. If the delivery boy can see the exact point of delivery and can navigate through it then it will reduce the delivery time. So the greater the app precision the greater would be user satisfaction.

Restaurant – Once the order is placed by the user on the app, the restaurants should be able to see the order immediately and should ring some kind of alarm so the restaurant owner can be made aware of the new order. The delay in order acceptance can lead to a delay in delivery and thus unsatisfied users.

Admin Panel–Admin panel is the intermediary for better management& Operation between all the above three sides. Admin acts as neutral side for solving queries between above all sides.

After proper discussion on different aspects of the above sides, you should decide on the features and other management decisions by keeping in mind the benefits of all the sides involved. 

Requirements for a Good Food Delivery App & its implication on cost

Features - The type of feature in a food delivery app affects the cost of development. The common feature involved in developing an application like zomato which will increase the development cost is

·         Real-time tracking

·         Multiple payment options

·         Rate and review each order

·         Book tables and avoid the hassle

·         Social media integration

·         Video Streaming

Technology – Depending on the expected user base and the features selected the technology used for developing such apps varies. The backend for apps like zomato can be referred below

Picture Credit - WebClues Infotech

Development – The development cost for developing apps like Zomato depends on the developer's experience or the agency you hired. The development cost also largely affects due to the country of development. In The United States of America the development cost is approximately around $100 - $150 per hour while for the same level of work the development cost in India is approximately $15 - $30 dollars.

Restaurant Partners – During the initial launch of the app like zomato there would be a limited no. of restaurants registered. So the greater the no. the greater would be its storage and bandwidth requirements and thus greater the cost.

Cost to develop an app like Zomato 

The approximate cost after considering the above points can be considered between $15K - $30K. 

To know more about cost to build an app like zomato refer this blog - Cost to develop a food delivery app like Zomato.