Due to its event-driven and asynchronous nature, Node.js is really blazing fast from a couple of years. But if you wish to provide the Best Node.Js Development Services then just fast is not enough. You have to take care of certain points so that you can maximize your efforts and make your position amongst the best Node.js development companies.

Here are some 5 tips provided to guide you in creating the best apps for your Node.Js Web Development Services.

  • Go Asynchronous

Since Node.js is single-threaded, synchronous code can lock up the entire application. Many file system APIs have their synchronous counterparts. If you will perform long-running blocking options than your main thread will be blocked until the operation finishes. This adversely affects the performance of the app. Thus make sure that you always use asynchronous APIs in your code,  at least in the performance-critical sections.

  • Use Caching

If you are trying to fetch some data that doesn’t change frequently then you must cache the data. This will improve the performance of Node.js web development services. For eg. If you don’t publish blogs too frequently, you can cache the posts array and clear the cache after an interval.

  • Detect Errors And Exceptions In Real-Time

The errors and expectations thrown by application components should be detected by your APM solution in real-time. It is very important to filter out the slower transactions that are deviated from their normal performance. As a good Node.js development company, you should drill down into the actual performance, fix the errors and address the exceptions before they impact the end-users.

  • Avoid Storing Too Much In Sessions

When you add too much in the sessions then it increases the overhead to the server. Try to use some other type of storage to keep session data or try to minimize the amount. For example, when users login to your app you can just store their id in the session rather than storing the entire object.

  • Keep An Eye On Your End-User Experience

You should be able to monitor your mobile and web user experience across the globe. This will help you to identify the exact offending line of code in the Node.js application impacting the end-users before they share their experiences on social media, drop your app or write poor reviews on the review sites.


Some of the best Node.Js Development Companies take care of the above tips to render their best Node.js web development services. These tips will surely help you to improve the speed of your apps and elevate their quality in order to attract maximum clients as a competent Node.js development company.